In a disheartening turn of events, a minor 11-year-old hockey player tragically lost his life after being hit in the neck. The youngster was struck by the puck in the neck which resulted in his death. This happened during a practice session in the Montreal city of Quebec.
This incident is reported to have taken place this past Tuesday. The child was involved in a practice session when he suffered this injury. He was later rushed to the medical facilities where he was treated. Unfortunately, he was unable to survive this hit and succumbed to this injury at a very early age.
The Saint-Eustache police (SPVSE) broke out this news through a press release. In the statement, they expressed their sorrow and offered their condolences to the family and loved ones.
The task force later confirmed that he was stuck in the neck by the puck. This tragic death of the youngster immediately shook everyone and raised concerns for the safety of the young talents. However, he was reported to be wearing a neck guard. This along with the death of Adam Johnson further raises questions about the neck safety of players.
Can neckguards truly protect players from such injuries?
Ever since the death of Adam Johnson, the talks about using a protective neck guard have been going on. While several other leagues have already made it mandatory, the talks about it are ongoing in the NHL. The death of this young hockey player has once again raised the question of how can the players be protected in the neck region and could neck guards protect players from such devasting injuries.
Following the death of this young player, a Doctor from Quebec told CTV News that this type of incidents are rare. With the use of a protective neck guard, the neck region can be protected. However, given the circumstances of the game and the close area it is played in, slight contact from the puck can also cause a large amount of damage.
There are dangers associated with it, and being protected the best you can will decrease the chances of unfortunate injuries. Even if it bumps in a little bit in, you know, the bad place at the bad moment, it could be fatal in terms of the injury. But it's very rare.Doctor Luc De Garie on neck guards through CTV News.
Another question that comes up is the puck. In hockey, several players have suffered grave injuries due to the puck hitting them. The force of the round object can cause severe damage to any body part.
This tragic death of the young kid serves as a reminder about the dangers of the game and the need for the safety of players. In regards to whether the neck guards can truly protect players, it can likely reduce the chances of a severe injury which could be helpful in this fast-paced sport.
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