Fame | Doug McConnell net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Doug McConnell? When is Doug McConnell's birthday? Where is Doug McConnell born? Where did Doug McConnell grow up from? What's Doug McConnell's age?

Doug McConnell Born: Southern California, California, United States

What has happened to Doug McConnell?

On April 21, 2022, Doug suffered a stroke. His cognition, articulation and facial expression were untouched; however, his right side was severely impacted.

When was Doug McConnell born?

\u2014 there is little doubt who would be crowned \u201cKing of the Road.\u201d Douglas Gene McConnell, born in Santa Monica, 1945, is known by many as the curious host of Bay Area Backroads. Although the show has been off the air since 2008, it was one of the longest-running regional television series in American broadcast history.

Where does Doug McConnell live?

McConnell received a bachelor's degree in Government from Pomona College (1967), and a master's degree in Political Science from the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University (1968). Since 1983, McConnell has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, two sons, and a bevy of pets.
